Code Enforcement

The City of Carbondale utilizes public health and nuisance ordinances to ensure our city is a safe, clean, and inviting place to live. 
Trash, junk, inoperable vehicles, weeds or grass overgrowth, and decrepit buildings cause safety and fire hazards, attract pests and are an attractant for would be criminals. Additionally, when all citizens have a joint interest in maintaining their properties pride in our city is elevated and all citizens can feel apart of making their city a beautiful place to live, work, or visit. 

Carbondale Police Department handles all code enforcement complaints in partnership with the Court Compliance Clerk and City Clerk. All cases follow a standardized Code Enforcement procedure to ensure that all citizens receive the same opportunity to voluntarily resolve violations or receive help in doing so, if applicable. 

The goal of CPD and the city of Carbondale is to maintain a beautiful, inviting, and safe environment within our city limits. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to register my dogs in the city?

All dogs are required to be registered with the city. 
To register your dog you must bring proof of rabies vaccine to City Hall. Each dog tag is $10.00 for un-spayed/neutered pets and $5.00 for pets that are spayed or neutered. They are valid from April 1 to March 31 and must be renewed annually.
City tags are helpful if your pet happens to get lost, their tag number allows city hall to provide PD your home information so that your pet can be safely returned to you!

Do I need to register my ATV/UTV or golf cart?

The city requires any ATV/UTV or golf cart that will be driven in the city limits to bear a city issued tag. 
To purchase a tag you must have the vehicle inspected by a CPD officer and purchase your tag from the city office. 
Tags are $25.00 are valid from January 1 to December 31 and must be renewed annually. 

Are there ordinances about vehicles?

Vehicles parked in open areas of the city must bear current registration and be in running, operational condition. 
Junked vehicles are not permitted to be parked in open areas and must be contained behind a secure screening like a gated privacy fence to prevent access to the junked vehicle by children, thieves or other persons. You may store only up to 3 junked vehicles behind a secure screening per property.

If CPD officers believe a vehicle is in violation the property owner will receive a notice to show proof of registration/operation. If the vehicle cannot be stored behind secure screening or be registered and operational the owner will be asked to remove it. Failure to do so may lead to a citation, municipal court proceedings or fines. 

Are there ordinances about grass and weeds?

Yes there are! 
The city utilizes weed and grass ordinances to help prevent pest infestations, interest from potential criminals and safety or fire hazards. These ordinances are also intended to help keep our city looking it's best. 

If a CPD officer views a property in violation of these ordinances the property owner will be given a notice to remedy the issues within a specific time period. The officer will re-check the property after that time and if the property is in compliance then the interaction is complete. 
Failing to comply with these ordinances may result in a citation being issued, municipal court proceedings and even daily fines being assessed until the property enters compliance.