Recent News
Reminder of the water Policy and ImPORtant dates to remeMber
Important Utility Dates:
- The payment of your City utility bill is due on or before the 10th of every month.
- Late Fees are applied after 12:00pm on the 11th. If the 11th falls on the weekend it will be applied the following Tuesday.
- Water Shut off is after noon on the 21st and if the 21st falls on a weekend shut off will occur on the following Tuesday.
- Extension requests are due before Noon on the third Monday of the month. No Exception to the due date of the extension request.
- if an extension request us requested and the payment is after the 10th late fees will still be applied.
- If you request for us to hold a payment past the due date of the 10th there will be a late fee applied as it is not paid if we hold it.
- Please call into City Hall (785)836-7108, Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm and closed for Lunch from 12:00pm- 1:00pm. Do not post on Facebook as we do not monitor it.
- Payments for reconnection must be made before 4:00pm to be turned back on the same day and must be recieved during business hours or the water service will remain off until the next business day.
- Please make sure to notify the city office once you have made your payment if you have received a hang tag or notice and please check all entrances for hang tag.
- The bill for the water, sewer & trash service are mailed out before the 25th of the prior month of the due date.
- If you do not receive a bill by the 3rd of the month please call the city office for your balance.
- Failure to receive a bill in the mail does not avoid payment before the due date or penalities being applied for being late.
- A returned check is considered non-payment and will result in disconnection of service and return check fee will be applied.
The Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission are looking for new members.
What does the Carbondale Planning & Zoning Commission do?
The City of Carbondale has a Planning and Zoning Commission that meets the Second and Fourth Thursday of each month at City Hall. The Planning and Zoning Commission consists of five members of the community. They review rezoning requests, annexations and building, demolition and fence permits. They ensure the zoning regulations are being followed.
If you are interested in volunteering for a position on the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission, please reach out to City Hall at 785-836-7108.
Grant Writing Course offered by K-State & Osage County Economic Development
FREE for Osage County entities
Deadline to Register 9.29.23 (5pm)
Seats are limited -Lunch will be provided
Registration Link below:
(right click to open)
Questions please contact:
RWD 8 Boil water advisory is not City of Carbondale.
We have had many questions on this. Although we are concerned for RWD 8, this is not the City of Carbondale water. The City of Carbondale is not under a boil advisory.
System Error
We had a system error with payments from this weekend. If you paid this weekend or friday and got a shut off notice please disregard. We have gotten it corrected and your payments applied.
Attention: Water lines are being flushed.
The Public Works Department is working at the water plant and have been there all night. Today, they will continue to flush the lines. Please be patient while they do this.
Water Quality Report available Now!!!
This report is a snapshot of the quality of water that was provided last year (2022). Included is details about where it came from, what it contains, and how it compairs to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state standards. We are commited to providing you with information because informed, knowlegeable customers are out best allies.
The Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission are looking for new members.
What does the Carbondale Planning & Zoning Commission do?
Watch Status for Harmful Algal Bloom at Carbondale East Lake.
Carbondale East Lake is under a Watch Alert.
City office closed Friday from 2:30- 5:00pm
The city office will be closed Friday June 9, 2023 from 2:30 to 5:00pm.
The City of Carbondale, KS is hiring for a City Treasurer and Maintenance 2 Position.
The City of Carbondale has openings for a City Treasurer and for a public works employee. Below are the job descriptions.
New website launch approaches!
We are excited to announce that our new website is nearly ready to launch and includes all the information our community needs. Check back often, as we will be adding information every day. Subscribe and receive news and alerts via email and text. Let us know what you think!
No Matter What the Season - Conserve Water Everyday!
Water is our most precious resource! Everyday is an opportunity to save water every time you turn on the faucet. From kitchen, to laundry room and bathroom to your outdoor lawn and garden. Don't miss a chance to save money on your water bill and help the planet!