Watch Status for Harmful Algal Bloom at Carbondale East Lake.
Carbondale East Lake is under a Watch Alert.
A Watch alert means:
A harmful algal bloom is possible and may be present
- Signage should be posted at all public access locations.
- Water may be unsafe for humans and animals.
- Avoid areas of algae accumulation.
- Do not let people/pets eat dried algae or drink contaminated water.
- Swimming, wading, skiing, and jet skiing are discouraged near-visible blooms.
- Boating and fishing are safe; however, inhalation of the spray may affect some individuals.
- Avoid direct contact with water, and wash with clean water after any contact.
- Clean fish well with potable water and eat fillet portion only.
Use Caution:
For Animals & Humans:
Exposure to HABs, whether through contact or ingestion, can cause illness and even death in animals and humans. Do not allow livestock, pets, or working animals such as hunting dogs to drink from HAB-affected waters, eat dried scum on shorelines, or lick their fur after exposure.
If you would like to look at more information regarding this you can go to: Harmful Algal Blooms | KDHE, KS